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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Check Out My Caffè Playlist!

Check out my new playlist featuring songs from my favorite caffè in Florence, La Ménagère

One of my favorite parts about this semester has definitely been the coffee. I don't know how many cappuccinos that I have had this semester, but some of my best moments these past few months have been sitting in La Ménagère, drinking a cappuccino, and hanging out with my friends. I don't know what my favorite part about the experience is. Between the delicious coffee, beautiful flower boutique, friendly waitresses who always have cute outfits, and great music, I've been addicted to this place. When I go back to America, I know I'll be thinking about this little caffè. The best way to make me feel like I'm sitting down on the vintage furniture inside was to put together a playlist of all of the songs that I've shazam-ed. I hope you enjoy this playlist as much as I do because I know I'll be listening to it whenever I want to feel fancy. 

So if you want a playlist to listen to while you're studying, getting ready in the morning, or you just want to feel like you're in an Italian caffè, you can check out my playlist here! 

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